MuscleNerd of iPhone Dev-team has just announced some important news on his Twitter account. MuscleNerd has post a screen-shot of the upcoming version of Redns0w 0.9.9 b5 which will have major update, the Dev-team will merge PwnageTool into Redsn0w.
What that means, you will be able to cook your custom firmware from Redsn0w directly which was the major advantage of PwnageTool and Sn0wbreeze. Both PwnageTool (for Mac) and Sn0wbreeze (for Windows) are being used mainly by who rely on unlock for their iPhones as they can preserve the unlockable baseband so they can unlock their iPhones with ultrasn0w. Now Redsn0w new feature will kill the both PwnageTool and Sn0wbreeze for ever, as Redsn0w is always available for both Mac and Windows. The only case that the Dev-team will upgrade PwnageTool is only in case of untethered jailbreaks.
Thanks Dev-team about your continuous hard work and improvements. This is really awesome.
iOS 5 (Official) can be jailbroken (tethered)
Due to the extensive work put in by the jailbreak community, we’ve the luxury nowadays of a tether-jailbreak being released simultaneously to the update, and Apple’s latest and greatest version of iOS is no exception.
Those of you who have – or are planning to – upgrade to iOS 5 might be pleased to learn that it can be jailbroken (tethered for now), allowing you to add all of those hacks and tweaks you know and love.
iPod touch 4th-gen, running jailbroken iOS 5 | image credit: MuscleNerd
It has been queried on numerous occasions, with Apple going the whole nine yards in terms of updates, as to whether there would even be any need to jailbreak anymore. After all, unless you’re simply stealing apps and games, most of the Cydia tweaks regarding Safari, notifications, SMS etc have all been improved upon, right?Well, while the improvements may appease many into sticking with stock, it’s important to remember that there are some jailbreakthat just won’t make it to the Cupertino company’s default software bundle. SBSettings is a prime example, bringing control of your iDevice’s vital features using a simple activation method.
Thanks to the work of the iPhone Dev-Team, you can tether-jailbreak your iOS 5 device using Redsn0w 0.9.9b5 by following this simple tutorial
Things to remember:
- This will not work with iPad 2, nor the iPhone 4S.
- This is a tethered jailbreak, meaning that it will require you to connect the phone to a computer running Redsn0w whenever you power up the phone.
- As has been the case before, by pursuing the tethered route, if and when an untethered jailbreak does surface, the chances are you’ll have to restore in order to utilize it.
Step 1: Download and install the new iTunes 10.5 on your Windows PC or Mac. Connect your iOS device with your computer and make sure you make a backup of everything.
NOTE: Those of you who rely on Gevey SIM or Ultrasn0w unlock should skip to “For Unlockers Only” section found at the bottom.
Step 2: Now upgrade your iOS device to the final version of iOS 5 using iTunes 10.5 on your Windows PC or Mac. Download links for final version of iOS 5 can be found here.
Step 3: Download the new Redsn0w 0.9.9b5 for Windows or Mac.
Step 4: Click on the “Jailbreak” option, select “Install Cydia” and follow the onscreen instructions to enter DFU mode. Once you’re in DFU mode, Redsn0w will perform the jailbreak (without having to have you select the IPSW manually! YES, the new Redsn0w can fetch all the required files automatically from Apple’s servers).
Booting into Tethered-Jailbreak Mode:
Step 4: Once you’ve installed Cydia, you will need to boot the device into a tethered jailbroken state. Go into DFU mode, and then in “Extras”, opt for “Just Boot”. Redsn0w will subsequently boot your device as tethered. Note: Due to the nature of this jailbreak, you will have to repeat this booting sequence every time you wish to reboot your device.
For Unlockers Only:
If you rely on a Gevey SIM or Ultrasn0w (for old basebands only) unlock, DO NOT update to the stock firmware update offered by iTunes. Instead, use this latest version of Redsn0w to cook a custom firmware file without the upgraded baseband so that you can unlock it with Ultrasn0w or Gevey SIM. To do this, click on “Extras” option and then select “Custom IPSW” option. Select the required iOS 5 IPSW firmware file, and let Redsn0w make the custom firmware for you. Once done, enter Pwned DFU mode by selecting “Pwned DFU” from Redsn0w’s Extras option, and then restore to this custom firmware using iTunes. Once done, unlock your iPhone using Gevey SIM, or the updated Ultrasn0w.
Alternatively, unlockers can also use Sn0wbreeze for jailbreaking iPhone on iOS 5 with preserved baseband.
This video was shot when iOS 5 GM was released.
Today’s public iOS 5 release is exactly same as last week’s GM release.
If p0sixninja’s revelation at MyGreatFest, backed up by i0n1c’s recent tweets are anything to go by, we could have a very swiftly released untethered jailbreak. Without giving too much away, i0n1c told us that an untethered solution was "covered", so we now await news from the Chronic Dev Team – the group behind the Greenpois0n 4.2.1 – with great excitement and anticipation. Today’s public iOS 5 release is exactly same as last week’s GM release.
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