Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Sn0wbreeze 2.3b1 Brings iOS 4.3 Tethered Jailbreak, Stock Update With Baseband Preservation And Fast Tethered Boot Tool

sn0wbreeze 2.3b1 1 Sn0wbreeze 2.3b1 Brings iOS 4.3 Tethered Jailbreak, Stock Update With Baseband Preservation And Fast Tethered Boot Tool
Just a quick heads-up: iH8sn0w pushed a new update to sn0wbreeze which brings the software to v2.3b1. The new updated comes with a lot of *good stuff* such as a tethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3, stock update to iOS 4.3 with baseband preservation, and a real fast tethered boot tool.
You need:
  • iOS device ( iPhone 3Gs/4, iPad 1st gen, iPod Touch 3G/4G )
  • iOS 4.3
  • sn0wbreeze 2.3b1
How to:
1. Even if there are a couple of new features in this release, the functionality of the tool remains the same. Just follow this sn0wbreeze tutorial and you should be good. The only thing you need to pay attention to, when creating a custom iOS 4.3 ipsw, is step 6 of the tutorial. iH8sn0w added a new option which allows you to update your iOS device to a stock iOS 4.3 while preserving your baseband.
sn0wbreeze 2.3b1 6 Sn0wbreeze 2.3b1 Brings iOS 4.3 Tethered Jailbreak, Stock Update With Baseband Preservation And Fast Tethered Boot Tool
Other than that, the process is exactly the same. Just create your custom ipsw, and shift+restore your iOS device.
2. To boot into the tethered kernel, you need to use iBooty which is included with this release of sn0wbreeze. You will notice a new iBooty icon on your desktop. Just open it, select your device, and run it. Can’t get any easier than this.
iBooty Sn0wbreeze 2.3b1 Brings iOS 4.3 Tethered Jailbreak, Stock Update With Baseband Preservation And Fast Tethered Boot Tool

HOW TO: Use Sn0wbreeze To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 [video]

HOW TO: Use Sn0wbreeze To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 [video]

sn0wbreeze 51 HOW TO: Use Sn0wbreeze To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 [video]
A new version of sn0wbreeze was released, which is able to untether jailbreak iOS 4.2.1. This tool allows you to create a custom firmware, and in this tutorial we’re going to show you exactly how to use it.

Snowbreeze is compatible with:
  • iPhone 3G/3GS/4
  • iPod Touch 2G/3G/4
  • iPad
How To:
1. Download Sn0wbreeze
2. Download stock iOS 4.2.1
NOTE: Windows Vista/Win7 users , you will need to run the toll in Administrator mode. To do that, right click on the tool’s icon and select ‘Run as administrator’…
3. Connect your iOS device
4. Open Snowbreeze and you will see a splash screen which tells you that this software is not for commercial use. Click OK ( see splash screen above ). On the next screen just click on the blue arrow to continue…
5. Now you will need to choose the stock iOS 4.2.1 downloaded earlier. Click on ‘Browse’, select it and click ‘Open’…

sn0wbreeze 3 HOW TO: Use Sn0wbreeze To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 [video]

6. Choose ‘Expert Mode’ and click on the blue arrow to continue…

sn0wbreeze 2 HOW TO: Use Sn0wbreeze To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 [video]

7. Now we need to customize our firmware. Just click on ‘General’ and then, click on the blue arrow to continue…
8. Here you can add:
  • animated bootlogos
  • choose to install openSSH
  • resize the root partition
  • add native backgrounding, user wallpaper, battery percentage etc
sn0wbreeze 1 HOW TO: Use Sn0wbreeze To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 [video]
9. Once you are done, click on the blue arrow to continue. Now sn0wbreeze will create the custom firmware
10. Now, you will need to put the device in DFU mode. Follow the instructions on the screen.
15. Open iTunes. It will prompt you with a message that it found a device in recovery mode. Click OK…
16. Hold down the Shift key and click on restore. Choose the custom firmware you just created and click open. MAKE SURE it’s the custom firmware and not the stock one… ( you will recognize the custom one because it’s called ‘sn0wbreeze_iPhone_xxx’ )
17. Wait for iTunes to restore your iOS device with the custom firmware.
18. That’s it. Enjoy
NOTE: sn0wbreeze may fail. If it does, visit ih8sn0w’s website and check if there is an updated version available

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